Small Groups

Men's Breakfast
Mark your calendars for the Men's Breakfast the first Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. in the CCC.
All men are invited to share a prepared breakfast, fellowship, and a devotional. Please check the Wednesday church email for changes to this schedule that may occasionally occur.
This opportunity for fellowship is a powerful testimony to the covenant relationship formed through Christ, and is an invitation for you to become more involved with our church family.

Sudie Lewis Women's Circle
Join us the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:30 PM in the youth room located in the Holley Building.
Come share time in study with us as we dive into a variety of biblical themes. Currently, our study is based on The Chosen, where we spend time in discussion on relevant themes and how ​it speaks to us in today's society.​

Men's Bible study
Join us the every Tuesday at 6:30 AM in the CCC for a time of deep Biblical study and fellowship.
Come and join in fellowship with us before heading to work! Currently, we are studying the Gospel of John, where we take a dive into the themes, deeper meanings, and history behind the Word of God.​
300 East Martial Avenue
Lafayette, LA 70508
Office Hours Mon-Thurs 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone 337.981.2088